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Practicing PBL: a self-directed PBL course, grades 4-12
Introduction - fundamentals of the PBL mindset. It's not just "another thing."
Who is Ginger Lewman? (0:33)
What is "Practicing PBL?" (3:50)
Let's dig in!
College Credit / PDC Info
The Prep - gathering your ducks before starting. (videos)
The challenge: Let's start building!
Essential Components for PBL (0:25)
Teacher collaboration (0:50)
Timeline for implementation (0:44)
Making sure they're truly learning (0:36)
Assessing the learning (0:27)
Final products of learning (0:30)
​Materials (1:00)
Student grouping and collaboration (0:24)
Outside resources and research​ (1:23)
Publishing and Public Relations (0:35)
Craft a KADQ (a Kick Ass Driving Question) with multiple on-ramps to learning
The challenge! Write your own KADQ (1:07)
What exactly IS a Driving Question?
Look for your Driving Question
Write, Refine, and Share Your KADQ
Time to Launch! Getting them undeniably hooked and begging to start!
The challenge: launch the unit! (1:13)
Building a great hook (video) (9:22)
Setting High Expectations for the work and for how to work!
The challenge: setting high expectations (videos) (2:21)
Balancing excitement of launch with quality of work (vid) (2:23)
Quality, cited research (vid)
Collaboration and Competition (vid) (1:44)
Soft Deadlines (video) (3:58)
Hard Deadlines (video) (3:58)
Build great Groups so we're NOT building bullies!
The challenge -- my friend Shelly and great purposeful groups (video) (5:30)
Ability grouping (1:27)
Readiness grouping (2:26)
Personality grouping (for elementary) (1:05)
Interest grouping (3:43)
+1 more way to group (4:27)
Self-selecting groups (4:00)
Contracts -- why they're essential! (6:49)
Manage That Mess: how to keep those plates spinning in the same direction.
The challenge: planning and guiding student-led flow (1:56)
Teacher traps: Hannah Helper, Lazy Larry, & Polly Police Officer (3:20)
Balancing freedom and responsibility
Communicating PBL goals with parents
Teachable moments are created, not accidental
Teacher to Student Interactions
Student to Self interactions
Student to Student interactions
Teacher to Teacher interactions
Portrait of a PBL Teacher
The Mid-Point Re-Group: keeping urgency & quality high when we hit that lull
The challenge: planning your midpoint regroup
The Closing: bringing it in for a landing
The challenge: intentionally designed closing (1:21)
Making it happen (vid) (3:36)
Assessing the Learning: you know they're learning. Here's how to prove it.
The challenge: building in assessments along the way (1:59)
Rethinking assessment and tests (6:59)
Rubrics for skills (6:46)
Student-created rubrics
Content knowledge "percent correct" (3:29)
Why do we want to publish everything?
Self and peer evaluations (2:29)
Checklists (daily, weekly, etc)
Post-Project Wrap Up: don't miss this! It's where WE learn!
The challenge: post-project wrap up DO NOT SKIP! (2:42)
The elegance of personal growth (5:13)
Closing Challenge
But It’s Not Over Yet
College Credit Request
What is "Practicing PBL?"
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