Purposeful Routine

Listen to the following parable. Read along with the PDF below the video if you'd like.

A tree that grows to that height in such a short amount of time requires a system of roots underground that need to be able to support such rapid growth.

The farmer's diligent dutiful routine built the unseen support system that eventually produced exactly what he wanted.

In this exercise, like the farmer, you'll break down your day by day, night by night routines. You'll assess which routines:

  • move you forward and which keep you stagnant
  • bring you joy and which bog you down
  • create mindfulness and which create a mind full

Can you think of any already?

There is research "out there" that says it takes 21 days to form a habit, and there is some research that says 60 days is optimal. But when it comes to intention, I believe you can form a new habit in one day.

If your intention is to take 60 second mindful pauses, you will stop and pause for 60 minutes. If your intention is to wake up earlier, you'll set an alarm earlier. If your intention is to form a new healthy routine, you will do just that! Today!

Assignment: Complete the Purposeful Routine exercise.

Connect: Post a picture of the part of your daily routine that you will be intentional to adjust. (For example: bed for sleep, tennis shoes for daily exercise, screen shot for phone use, your kids for dinner at the table, etc.)

Purposeful Routine.pdf
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