Welcome & Overview
Welcome to Bridging to Resilience On Demand!
This is the online archive of the Bridging to Resilience conference: collaborate, heal, solve.
On November 20, 2020, participants will have access to 54 lectures, each ~ 55 minutes long. In this On-Demand course, you will find conference sessions that help educators build resilience around topics such as classroom strategies, developing Hope, introduction to trauma, and strategies to build resilience in self & staff right now in these highly stressful times.
We have created a handy Through-Guide to help you gather thoughts and takeaways as you watch each section. It's a journal you can look back on as you review the powerful ideas and strategies you're learning. When you click the link above, you'll be asked to make a copy of the Google Slide deck. Feel free to journal right there or print it out and keep a hardcopy next to you as you go through the sessions of this virtual conference. Of course, this is optional.
Each session has a reflection section that will help you process what your takeaways are and how you could use what you've learned to impact those around you. Because we believe the real quest we're on is one of connection; that only together can we build resilience in our broader communities.
If you are seeking college credit for this course, you will want to complete the reflection piece in order to apply for credit.
Thank you for being here with us and being here for those we serve.